Hey y'all...
I have two paintings in a group show at the New York Academy of Art.
It's a huge small works show, so come on out and get some art...doors open and sales begin at 6:30pm.
Go Get'em!
These two pieces are more experimental than anything else. I have always loved monotypes and reductive paint work. Pulling paint off the surface and leaving gestural evidence of process has always blown my hair back. In my process I really prepare my canvas to such a degree that it might as well be wooden and it takes forever. I have messed around with mylar on wood before and I know I'm not the first painter to do this but for my work it made a huge difference, giving me a push and pull that is rare on canvas. So anyhow, here are two Mylar Head Studies. I was invited to show these in the NYAA small works show (see invite above).

"Mylar Head Study 1"
oil on mylar on board
10x8 inch

"Mylar Head Study 2"
oil on mylar on board
10x8 inch